Training Sessions
Sometimes you just need a one or two day training session to accomplish your training goals, such as…
- A review of human resource policies
- An update on office procedures
- A new skill that you want everyone to learn
Gove Group can:
- design the training to ensure that all information is shared and an evaluation procedure is employed so that you can be assured that the training was effective
- present the training and evaluate the learning accomplished; remediate if needed
- teach your in-house trainer to present and evaluate the information
Below are a few examples of short training sessions:
Engaging Adults in Meaningful Learning via a Great Presentation
Is your goal to teach or for the adults you are addressing to learn? There is a big difference. In teaching, the instructor is doing all the work, while the audience sits passively. In learning, everyone is engaged, interacting, questioning; the instructor takes cues from the audience to ensure transfer of knowledge. This session will help you to ensure that your time is spent in the audience learning!
In this workshop, attendees will be able to:
– Explain the adult learning pyramid and how to present optimal learning opportunities
– List multiple techniques to engage audiences and promote learning
– Determine how to overcome your fear of presenting and controlling the audience
Developing Innovative Ideas for a Winning Grant Proposal
A small grant is available, and you want it. What will it take for you to get it? It begins by stretching your thoughts from “what could be better” to “what will be great” in the services your company can provide to your customers. This session helps you to come up with innovative ideas. Then, it helps you to take those ideas and whittle them into a manageable grant request – one within the budget, time constraints and scope of the grant. It will especially help you to develop ideas for one time grants that are not sustainable.
In this workshop, attendees will be able to:
– Develop innovative ideas for their company
– List the steps in determining a viable idea for the grant
– Decide the most appropriate grant idea to propose
Interacting with Customers & Co-Workers in a Multi-Generational Culture
As Care Managers, your job requires you to interact with Boom’ers (born 1946-1964), Gen-X’ers (early 60’s to early 80’s), Gen-Y’ers (80’s through early 90’s), Millenials (early 80’s to early 2000’s), and Gen-Z’ers (mid 2000’s to now). As we well know, each group has its own personality, motivating factors and skill sets. Should these factors be considered in our service as a Care Manager? If so, how? This session will give employees the tools they need to be successful in interacting with their consumers and co-workers from every age group.
In this workshop, attendees will be able to:
– Identify the characteristics of the various generational groups
– List the techniques required to interact successfully with each group
– Develop a strategy to work in a multi-generational environment