Curriculum Design Examples
Curriculum Design Examples…
PA Independent Oil and Gas Association (PIOGA)
Gove Group wrote an interactive, hands on energy education training program for K-12 teachers and delivered it throughout the state of Pennyslvania to hundreds of public and private school teachers.
PA Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP)
Gove Group wrote an interactive, hands on energy education training program, including a School Building Energy Management Program. It was delivered to K-12 teachers, school administrators and school building directors.
The Watson Institute
Gove Group worked with the Watson Institute, a group of special education schools and resources, to develop the curriculum for students age 3-21.
The Western Pennsylvania School for Blind Children
Gove Group worked with WPSBC to develop their Early Childhood Program curriculum for children ages 3-10 with multiple disabilities. Our final product was a Treasure Trove, a box full of activities for each skill that was being addressed.
Westinghouse Electric Corporation
We worked with Westinghouse to develop a 15 week Take-Home Study Course for Nuclear Power Plant Technicians.